My mom is incredible. I love her more than I have ever loved any person in this whole entire world. She is completely selfless
and loving and everything you could ever want in a mom. Not to mention, beautiful to boot. Sure, I get upset at her sometimes,
but that happens. I wouldn't trade the relationship I have with her for anything anyone could ever offer me. She is a strong
woman. Don't ever try to tell her what she thinks or feels or wants. Don't ever assume things about her. She'll be sure to
set you straight, and it may not be the most pleasant thing you've experienced. She is very proud and very independent, she
can take care of herself. And speaking of taking care of people, she also takes care of anyone who needs it. I've never seen
anyone that is so selfless. She'd give everything she has in this whole world to help the people that she loves. I want to
be just like my mom. I love her with all of my heart and I think she is wonderful. I love everything about her. I am so glad
she is who she is, and that she doesn't compromise herself for anyone. She is and always will be the most important person
in my life. Thanks Mom.